Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Well hello again!

Sorry for not updating in so long. I've been quite busy over the last month. Well, not really, but I've been busy with laziness.

So anyways, I now live downtown. Moved in pretty smoothly, and I'm coping well with living away from family. It's probably because I've always been an independent person. I love my family, and I need them, but I can survive by myself.

My roommates are pretty cool. They're both "brown" and Brampton-washed, so it's kind of rubbing off on me. Only two of my friends have seen my apartment so far. Shoutout to both Jezer and Jonathon!

Last week me and Jonathon went to the VIP Launch Party of Modern Warfare 3, and I was one of the first people to play the game, which was pretty cool. We weren't planning on attending or anything, it just happened.

I don't really want to recap on everything that I've been up to, because it's been like 3 weeks. But I'll try to blog regularly again.

Oh, before I forget. I bought Childish Gambino's Camp yesterday, and it is fire. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Eating a veggie burger at a fast food joint?

I don't exactly understand fast food veggie burgers. If you want to eat healthy, why go to a burger joint? If you want the taste of meat, why not eat meat? Otherwise, make your own veggie patties at home.

It's getting real

I just came back from buying bed sheets and a comforter for my new room. I'm moving my clothing in tomorrow. I found out that I can't move my wardrobe in yet, because I have to rent out the elevator and deposit a cheque ahead of time. So I guess I'll live the first couple of days without a closet.

In other news, I was just microwaving a bowl of soup, and the bowl cracke din half, all the way around. Why did that happen. Is it a scientific reason, or has the bowl finally reached it's limit? Boggles my mind.

Not really though.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Astronomical Kid

So I'm really proud of this kid. Mainly because I've known about him and listen to his music for the past two years, a long time before he appeared on The X Factor. I first heard him when he was on a track of one of my favourite rapper, Sha Stimuli's album 'My Soul to Keep'. I thought he had alot of skills then, and I think he's progressed so much now. X Factor USA is a really good show and contest. The talent on there is huge. Anyways, do I think Astro can win it? Possibly. But either way, he's a great lyricist for his age, he can flow, and he has a very bright future ahead of him.
I only finished one of my assignments today, and I'm too lazy to do the other one even though it's not all that hard. I wish I had more time. I wanted to go downtown today, and I didn't get to. I wanted to go to St. Catherines to visit some people as well this week, but I'm not going to have time.

Tomorrow, I have to pack, do homework, then go to my sister's high school in the evening for awards night. I'm proud of her, because I never got any serious awards in high school until the very end. Then Friday, I move my wardrobe, my clothing and my personal belongings into my new apartment. I hope that goes well.

I'm still kind of awkward with this blogging thing. I guess eventually, I'll start to get more comfortable again.
This blog looks so lame. I need to redo the banner and work on making the design a little more appealing to the eye. I wish I was better at graphic designing and stuff. I wish I had photoshop.

Wednesday chilling

Woke up at 2pm today. And it's raining outside. I wanted to go downtown or catch a movie with some friends or something, but I guess not. I have a faster computer now, so I'm thinking I should just do homework. More like a couple of assignments due next week than it is homework, but whatever.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Going to give this another try

Well, I just got a laptop, so I guess that's a reason to blog again. I was on Tumblr for a couple of years, and to be honest, that got really boring. It wasn't just Tumblr, it was the people on Tumblr. I don't want to get into it, but it is what it is.

How rude of me not to introduce myself. I might have had a decent reader base on my old blog, but this is something new. Anyways, I'm Daniel Bui. I'm a professional cook currently in my first year of culinary school at George Brown College. I live in Toronto...Brampton to be exact. I'm of Vietnamese descent and I tend to ramble on alot. Only online though. I'm the most quiet human being in real life.

What exactly do I have to blog about? I guess it doesn't really matter because nobody is going to read these posts of mine. I guess I can share my thoughts like I used to, and discuss moral issues that I think need to be discussed. I'm also moving to downtown Toronto next week to live with two brown guys, so that may be interesting at all.

Anyways, it's 1:35am and I've been boring enough. Till next time people.